How I Got into Player Development.
This week I created a TWO-PART series detailing my path into the player development role.
How do I get in player development?
How did you get in player development?
I have always found it easier to answer the first question and give advice to those who are looking to get into player development.
I can rattle off a five-step process to make the path to the role easier very easily. For those interested it’s:
Understand the role
Have a plan
Know your value
Network intentionally
Follow up
But, when it came to people asking me about my path into player development, I would usually say I was hired from being a high school coach and leave it there as if there were no similarities to the path, I had with the person asking.
I sat back a couple weeks ago and thought let me really examine how I got in the player development role.
I’m glad I did because I uncovered some gems that brought me a sense of pride and will help you wherever you’re at on your player development journey.
This week we are diving into a two-part series discussing my player development path.
As mentioned above I am speaking about how I got in the role. In this episode, which you can find below, I discuss 8 characteristics that helped me get the job and how they translated to the University of Houston Football Program Director of Player Development position.
But wait there’s more
In addition to how I got into player development, I will share how I went from one Division 1 school to another. These will be six topics that helped me make the transition from Houston to Kansas and Kansas to Baylor.
I am really excited to share with you.
I have one ask for you: engage the content, hit the like button, subscribe and share if it provides you any value.
Also, reach out to me with any questions or comments.
The Player Development Guide
Please forgive me for not sharing one of the most detailed player development resources I’ve created.
This is the Player Development Guide a book I wrote which details the programming I used in the role at Houston, Kansas, and Baylor.
This book has all the things that I used to create massive success in the role.
I want to share those with you. Get your copy here: The Player Development Guide
Player Development Workshop
This weekend was my first player development workshop, and it was INCREDIBLE.
Thank you to all who attended.
Reading the survey and seeing the engagement I am creations two workshops, which will run throughout the year.
The first will be a discovery workshop, this one will be geared to those who want to know more about player development and how the role can create impact.
The second will be a planning workshop, this one will be geared for those who are in the role or want to be in the role and need to create a plan blueprint.
If you’re interested in either, click the link: Player Development Workshops