I realize some reading this may not know my story.
You see the continuous player development content and find value in it.
You have listened to the podcast, watch the videos, read this newsletter, and may have thought where he gets all this info.
Some of you wonder, WHY AM I SHARING IT?!
My mother still doesn’t understand why I give out 100 Player Development Tips out for FREE.
Well at one point in my journey, I HAD NO CLUE AS TO WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO IN THE ROLE.
It took me TWO YEARS, TWO YEARS to grasp the player development role fully.
My passion over the last few years has been to make sure no one has to begin where I started.
This burning passion has led me to leading my first LIVE workshop.
In this COMPLIMENTARY workshop I will help people build a player development plan blueprint.
Those who will attend can expect the following:
Interactive Session
Player Development Clarity
Understanding the Importance of a Plan
Creation of a Player Development Blueprint
Still on the fence about attending? Watch this video about why YOU need a player development plan.
The LIVE Workshop will be on July 20th at 6PM CST.
If you would like to watch the recorded version of this workshop (this is where the above video came from) you can hit the link and I will send you the recorded workshop. THE LINK I AM SUPPOSED TO CLICK IF I WANT RECORDED VERSION
Player Development Resources
Player Development Guide eBook
Head Coaches Guide to Player Development eBook