If you work in college football you know the importance of the recruiting process.
It is very necessary. So, I spent the most time I have ever spent on a podcast in this detailed workshop structured podcast. I discuss how player development can provide value to the recruiting process. Check the podcast episode out here:
Recruiting Memories
This is my first college football game at the University of Houston, in this photo I am with some of the recruiting staff: Derek Chang, Albert Garcia, Grace Muscarello, Bryan Carrington, and Weston Zernechel.
In this photo I am in the office having fun with personnel staff members, these were my main guys: Alex Brown, Adam Khordaji, and Vincent Marshall.
This a pic of me and my main guy Alex Brown meeting with our student fan organization “Coog Crew” before the start of the season. They were so pivotal to our game day experience for recruits.
I hope you enjoy the podcast episode. Let me know what you think.
Player Development Resources
100 Player Development Tips - FREE DOWNLOAD